In-Person Small Group Interventions For The 2023/24 Academic Year

Evidence based interventions, tailored to your student’s needs.

DfE Funded Interventions For 23/24

Choose From One Or More Of Our Three Key Programmes

All of our intervention programmes are delivered in-person. We work in partnership with schools across England in order to make a positive difference to students, families, communities and teachers. We offer three effective programmes to schools, please choose from below.

GCSE All Year Round Programme

Our GCSE Intervention Programme is split into 6 modules that run over the Oct, Dec, Feb, April, May and the summer holidays.

Years 7-9 KS3 Programme

Our KS3 Interventions can be customised to compliment the teaching in school. Our lessons are differentiated so that they are accessible to all.

Secondary Transition Programme

We have a fully comprehensive transition programme in place to ensure that the students have a really positive start to Secondary school.

Your School’s Funding Options

We work closely with the Department Of Education to provide your school with the best options to fund your intervention programmes.